Bruin Knocker

A Salmon in the Maw is Worth Two in the Paw.

A Salmon in the Maw is Worth Two in the Paw.

An animal door-knocker made for a 3D modeling class project - this was one of my favorite modeling projects because the subject nature was caught between the realm of utilitarian design, and organic beastial forms. It was a challenge to try and come up with a design that was both practical to use in a house-hold, everyday sense, while making it clearly depict an animal.

This assignment cemented my workflow for a high-to-low poly process model, and despite the detail the low-poly mesh itself has less than 2k triangles. I really pushed for a warm, brassy worn metal finish in contrast to my typical 'cell-shaded' approach to 3D art; but I am pleased with the resulting texture.

The above image is a flat composite of 3 different renders I took of the model in zBrush. I plan to make an intractable turn-able of the mesh in the near future.